Utilities for Hexo.
USD raised
Recent activities
encodeURL() will lose hash in URL
Docs: url_for options
Syntax highlighting does not work
`highlight.js` generates no HTML class name when "wrap: false" and "hljs: false"
escapeHTML escape ' and ` character
url_for helper doesn't work for mailto link
Drop node-html-entities
Feature Request: TOC
The new code block layout made it difficult to select and copy code without including the line number
hexo code block highlight error?
`highlight()` is inconsistent when code is illegal syntax
Setting highlight: gutter to false in the config doesn't work
toc helper should not parse the text of children element(s)
tocObj Issues
highlight.js 里生成代码高亮的部分被写死了
there bug in code react jsx
CacheStream.getCache returns empty array in Node.js v14
Lazy loading in highlight.js may break some languages highlighting
unescape_html.js 反转义出现了问题
npm run build:highlight failed
Why create a util repos instead of building the utils in the main hexo repos?
Having trouble getting highlightjs working in hexo-util
Where is the querystring's unscape?
highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated.
Trying to get in touch regarding a security issue
3.0.0 Error: Cannot find module
ERROR Plugin load failed: hexo-generator-json-content
Error spawn tests on windows 10 Pro
Some content is outdated
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Parsing code for YouTube Tag Plugin
ghost dependency domhandler
An error occurs when installing hexo-util under node version v14.2.0
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