Markdown renderer for Hexo
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Recent activities
How can I specify option to transform anchors into lowerCase
could footnotes and mathjax be suppported?
bug: it generates many <br> before <table>
Github tables are not processed when they are nested in a list.
Adding video element
Options to disable automatic header #ids
add class name
Use filters to handle the rendering process
md -> html , add a ")"
Pipes `|` not rendering correctly in cells with Marked renderer
HTML TABLE 上方有大块的空白
Code block not rendering correctly - adds additional lines
Markdown link does not render correctly if include a backslash
why first `-` not displayed in title element?
Unable to extend via filter
Can't renderer the markdown-table correctly
Unbreakable space converted to normal space
Import (and render) one markdown file into another
Unable to render files with malformed characters
A problem when writing a code block in the list
Adds a config entry to make this renderer does not parse text in '$$' and '$'
How to show specific line numbers of the code block manually?
escape <> while rendering "pre" code blocks
angle brackets < and > not escaped properly in non-HTML code blocks
How to make the render effect like this, can you give me some ideas
the problem of the build the <a>
#Feat: Add option to specify smartypants substitutions
postAsset does not work
Image path to use in postAsset
render different with github
bold mark error
can't convert markdown image path correctly
gfm task/TODO list 无法渲染
[upstream] security problem of marked v2.0.0-
How to make [[]] link to the correct path?
Can I use "hexo-renderer-marked" from an external plugin?
Marked not rendering image tags when wrapped in a div
hexo-renderer-marked 中的新功能 DOMPurify 与部分标签外挂语法发生冲突
[BUG] 升级到5.0.0之后 hexo-blog-encrypt 无法使用了
OperationalError: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink[XXX]
Can postAsset render exclude post name?
&emsp;displayed as characters
  Display error
Why are they(`<`, `>`) treated differently ?
can't support emoji and  
After installing the plug-in, I cant find the marked options in my config.xml.
Can unescaped heading text be used?
doubt about line break
bug of markdown interpretation
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