A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for datetime
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时间格式能否支持go time库的时间格式
might like this video about time keeping
Parse() cannot parse a time string like this: 2022-5-18
function for the same date-time
Can you increase the time of 24 solar terms
Invalid locale file "lang\\zh-CN.json"
Unable to read language.json file
Why Time2Carbon() doesn't set Carbon's loc to the input time's loc
u format is NOT padded to 3
README Not have `ToStartTimeString` function
carbon v1 v2 Parse "0000-00-00" error
Time2Carbon() v2.19 has forward compatibility issues
Is it the best way to unmarshal format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999"
How to convert a time zone such as UTC/GMT +0800 to carbon's time zone name
Can you add the function of judging whether it is a legal holiday, regardless of the situation of adjustment
Parse method is too strict and not general enough, I hope it can be smarter, such as the following parsing method, which is relatively efficient and general
DiffInMonths does not consider the positive and negative of the time period
Parsing ISO8601 date with .000Z no longer works.
add sequence generation
why return nil after unmarshal failed
New user experience - method naming
The W format in the FormatString method does not conform to the ISO-8601 standard, and there is no automatic zero padding
carbon is used with grom to automatically create a table structure and report an error
DiffInMonths calculation is invalid
Whether to support carbon.SetTestNow?
Format error
Persian calendar
Loss of precision when time is hour on the hour
why layouts is in Parse function, not in Carbon construct function.
Format not work
carbon.Date changed after marshal/unmarshal
`DayOfWeek` ignores `SetWeekStartsAt` value
Formatting functions not thread safe
Age method calculates the age incorrectly
gorm update assignment time field error
xorm combines carbon to write creation time? How to write it?
Age method calculation error
Are you too hasty with devastating updates and releases? ?
Using SubMonth for a month with 31 numbers causes parsing errors
Why choose Sunday as the week of development
About DiffAbsInMonths
Timezone issue daylight saving and StartOfMonth
Cannot use v2.2.12 in GoFrame framework
What is the best way to mock carbon in unit testing?
Is there any consideration to support converting the lunar calendar to the Gregorian calendar?
[Feature Request] Please support MJD format in Carbon
咨询关于Now函数入参的问题(About the Now function parameter issue)
`ToWeekString()` ignores `SetWeekStartsAt()`
The current JSON serialization format is `2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999`. Is user-defined configuration allowed?
"2023-11-08T09:52:48" not support?
Rename the func such as `carbon.CreateFromDate()`.
ParseByFormat not supported "U" format
json is reversed, causing the diff series method to be abnormal. What should I do in this case?
My local time is Asia/Shanghai, But the time from the database is UTC
Default JSON template settings
Wrong zodiac sign
Starting from v2.3.0, after removing the series of methods such as DateTime, it is extremely inconvenient to insert the birthday (Y-m-d) field with gorm now. What is the best practice
build for windows_386 (untyped int constant) overflows int
How to get time.Duration in two carbon instances? ?
ParseByFormat fails to detect location Location
cannot parse string null
DiffAbsInDuration must upgrade go version to 1.9+
Can you add the 1.5.5 tag?
Incorrect Parse of 0001-01-01 00:00:00
How to loadTag a slice list?
IsToday()、IsYesterday()、IsTomorrow()in other timeZone is invaild
why tag v1.5.5 is not exist
AddQuarters(-1) incorrect result
Why is this formatting different from the stdlib?
method: a.DiffInDuration(b) is b-a ! This is not in line with intuition
json null value
different timezone,return the same string
The lunar calendar calculation seems not to be as expected
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