Extremely fast and scalable Python FTP server library
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Recent activities
Probably a typo that affects logging
pyftpdlib server resets client connection in PASV/EPSV mode: curl: (13) Bad PASV/EPSV response: 200
Clarify license for `scripts/internal`
FTP server stuck
After the open file is completed(, it seems that there is no call to close it(fd) when it is passed to FileProducer.
Python blocks all disk access when no space left on device
Unable to set custom home directory in `DummyAuthorizer().add_user()`
how to detect file up load is not completed
Bug: Filename can't contains Chinese characters on Windows
Windows: PermissionError when choosing port from configured PASV range
Drop Python 2.7 support
Add ability to run tests in parallel
Disable macOS and BSD kqueue() poller implementation
Question: limit Max upload/download speed for user accounts
windows add user
How to custom logging
server.close_all() freeze the whole application
1.5.6: `pytest-ftpserver` test suite is failing in `pyftpdlib` module
asyncore and asynchat may be removed from python 3.11 stdlib
tests fail on 1-core VM
TLS versions?
Duplicate keycert.pem
File operations on Windows with Python 3.13 give `Permission denied`
Release 2.0.1 mistagged
Can't allow specified user write access
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