
Failed to NewDB. Since SchemaVersion is incompatible, delete Database and fetch again #1505

arrow003 posted onGitHub

$ /home/vulsuser/go/bin/vuls report -config=/home/vulsuser/config.d/XXX.toml -format-json
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] vuls-v0.19.8-build-20220728_110528_2f3b8bf
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] cveDict.type=sqlite3, cveDict.url=, cveDict.SQLite3Path=/home/vulsuser/cve.sqlite3
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] ovalDict.type=sqlite3, ovalDict.url=, ovalDict.SQLite3Path=/home/vulsuser/oval.sqlite3
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] gost.type=sqlite3, gost.url=, gost.SQLite3Path=/home/vulsuser/gost.sqlite3
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] exploit.type=sqlite3, exploit.url=, exploit.SQLite3Path=/home/vulsuser/go-exploitdb.sqlite3
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] metasploit.type=sqlite3, metasploit.url=, metasploit.SQLite3Path=/home/vulsuser/go-msfdb.sqlite3
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] kevuln.type=sqlite3, kevuln.url=, kevuln.SQLite3Path=/home/vulsuser/go-kev.sqlite3
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] cti.type=sqlite3, cti.url=, cti.SQLite3Path=/home/vulsuser/go-cti.sqlite3
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] Loaded: /home/vulsuser/results/2022-07-28T11:10:56+09:00
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 found. defs: 1407
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 is fresh. lastModified: 2022-07-27T16:02:41+09:00
[Jul 28 11:37:12]  INFO [localhost] XXXXxxxx: 64 CVEs are detected with OVAL
EROR[07-28|11:37:12] Failed to NewDB. Since SchemaVersion is incompatible, delete Database and fetch again
[Jul 28 11:37:12] ERROR [localhost] Failed to detect Pkg CVE:
  - Failed to detect CVE with gost:
  - Failed to new a gost client:
  - Failed to newGostDB. err:
  - Failed to init gost DB. DB Path: /home/vulsuser/gost.sqlite3, err:
  - Failed to NewDB. Since SchemaVersion is incompatible, delete Database and fetch again.:

Rebuild the DB with the latest gost binary.

The latest version of gost is as follows

$ gost version
gost v0.4.1 3a15e2a
posted by MaineK00n over 2 years ago

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