
vuls report -to-localfile not writing #1468

CA-dfox posted onGitHub


I am trying to get vuls to write the results to a file in JSON. The command I am using is: vuls report -config=/usr/share/vuls-data/config237 -format-json -to-localfile. There is no file written anywhere that I can locate. Where is the output written to? The documentation is not very clear on this option.

Is it placed under <results-dir>/<scan datetime> with <server name>.json? e.g.

$ vuls report --help
-results-dir string
        /path/to/results (default "/home/mainek00n/github/github.com/MaineK00n/vuls/results")

$ ls /home/mainek00n/github/github.com/MaineK00n/vuls/results/2022-05-20T16:02:44+09:00/

For your information, the current vuls generates scan results in json format without any options(-to-localfile -format-json).

posted by MaineK00n almost 3 years ago

Thanks for that answer!

I wasn't looking at the date/time stamp or size to notice a change. Just that the JSON files were still JSON files.

posted by CA-dfox almost 3 years ago

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