
Empty CVE list #1304

melhir posted onGitHub


I don't know if anyone encounters this issue, but when I am executing a scan of machines for updates and CVEs, the result of every machine doesn't have a CVE list, the vuls tui command output:

[Sep 14 07:20:05] ERROR [localhost] Failed to detect CVE of `[]`: Failed to init CVE DB. err: Failed to migrate. err: duplicate column name: id, path: /usr/share/vuls-data/cve.sqlite3: Failed to migrate. err: duplicate column name: id

I am using the latest tag version, any advice?

There is a possibility that the DB created by go-cve-dictionary is outdated. Please recreate the DB with the latest version of go-cve-dictionary, and then run vuls tui.

posted by MaineK00n over 3 years ago

Okay, I've managed to update the database of go-cve-dictionary which is built on the newest tag (there were some 404 when fetching nvd) but still, I am receiving the same error.

posted by melhir over 3 years ago

Nvm, I've discovered a newer version and it is working.

posted by melhir over 3 years ago

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