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server mode doesn't use `default` section ignoreCves/ignorePkgsRegexp #1267
hdhoang posted onGitHub
What did you do? (required. The issue will be closed when not provided.)
I run a vuls server to receive dpkg lists from other nodes, submitted like this:
dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package},${db:Status-Abbrev},${Version},${Source},${source:Version}\n' |
curl -sS -o - -X POST \
-H "content-type: text/plain" -H 'X-Vuls-OS-Family: debian' \
-H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: via-server" \
-H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: $(cat /etc/debian_version)" \
-H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: $(uname -r)" \
-H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Version: $(uname -a | awk '{print $7}')" \ \
--data-binary @-
I want to ignore specific packages (libicu
), or specific CVEs (eg ancient CVE-2005-3660
) on all servers. So I added them to default
settings ignoreCves
, ignorePkgsRegexp
. This works for vuls scan
mode, and is visible in results
json file:
"config": {
"scan": {
"debug": true,
"logDir": "/var/log/vuls",
"resultsDir": "/vuls/results",
"default": {
"ignoreCves": [
"ignorePkgsRegexp": [
"servers": {
"via-ssh": {
"serverName": "via-ssh",
"user": "root",
"host": "",
"port": "22",
"ignoreCves": [
"ignorePkgsRegexp": [
What did you expect to happen?
The default
settings should be applied to vuls server
scans as well.
What happened instead?
dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package},${db:Status-Abbrev},${Version},${Source},${source:Version}\n' |
curl -sS -o - -X POST \
-H "content-type: text/plain" -H 'X-Vuls-OS-Family: debian' \
-H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: via-server" \
-H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: $(cat /etc/debian_version)" \
-H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: $(uname -r)" \
-H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Version: $(uname -a | awk '{print $7}')" \ \
--data-binary @- |
jq . >> via-server.json
grep 2021-30535 via-server.json
"CVE-2021-30535": {
"cveID": "CVE-2021-30535",
"cveID": "CVE-2021-30535",
"sourceLink": "",
"cveID": "CVE-2021-30535",
"sourceLink": "",
- Current Output
Please re-run the command using -debug
and provide the output below.
in gist at
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
Using debian VM (10.9 freshly installed from CD). vuls, cve-dictionary, gost, goval fetched for years 2020,2021, debian 10.
Configuration (MUST fill this out):
Go version (
go version
): (not relevant because I'm using docker image)Go environment (
go env
): (not relevant because I'm using docker image)Vuls environment:
Hash : vuls-v0.15.11-build-20210625_051138_8e6351a (docker image)
- config.toml:
[default] ignorePkgsRegexp = [ "^libicu", ]
ignoreCves = [ "CVE-2005-3660", # linux-image ]
[servers."via-ssh"] host = "" user = "root"
* command:
docker run --network=host --rm -it -v $PWD:/vuls -v /root/.ssh:/root/.ssh vuls/vuls scan -debug >> scan-debug.txt
docker run --network=host --rm -it -v $PWD:/vuls -v /root/.ssh:/root/.ssh vuls/vuls server -debug >> server-debug.txt
# then submit in other terminal