The simplest and fastest way to bundle your TypeScript libraries.
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Recent activities
default exports not working on CJS + treeshake: true
Legal Comments Not Preserved
Tree Shaking is not working
Consider out directory override per file format
Error: Cannot find module 'node:path'
Add optional support for minifying with terser
Generates empty .d.ts declaration file
Wrong (default) `tsconfig.json` used even though custom one is provided in tsup config
dts logs printed after build promise completes
postcss import resolution not working when css loader set to "text" (monorepo only)
Upgrade to esbuild@^0.16
`tsup --config tsup.config.js` throws error
watch mode for dts builds doesnt track changes to indirectly referenced imports
bug: MinifyOptions re-exported from terser by tsup include invalid typings when processed by rollup-plugin-dts
Build react package for use in nextjs 13
onSuccess runs before dts
Issue with "shims: true" on Windows
Fails on TS 5.0 tsconfig where extends field is array
tsup-node doesn't exclude all packages
How to force tsup to not compile when I have an error in .ts code?
Having a hard time to understand why "tsup" is only bundling "devDependencies" packages
onSuccess async function in tsup.config.ts should wait until tsc has ran
Build fails on Node 19.8
TypeScript 5.0 Support
Improve React compatibility
Feature Request: Logging Levels
Bug: onSuccessRunsTwice
`DTS Build failed` - undefined in reading `getFullText`
vue3 jsx SyntaxError: Error transforming xxx.cjs Unexpected token, expected ";"
minify not work?
No import assertion in output file
Shim support for Windows is broken
Is it possible to use Tailwind (PostCSS) with TSUP?
dts generation crashes at MagicString.update
Sourcemaps break when using `treeshake: 'smallest'`
Generate license file for bundled external libraries
Custom tsconfig isn't working
Context properties got undefined with ReactDom.createPortal
DTS doesn't support hashbang
Is there a js api in tsup?
Upgrade to esbuild 0.18
[postcss] tsup fails if postcss.config.js is es module
Feature: adding missing esbuild logOverride
7.0: Warning: tsconfig does not affect esbuild's own target setting
`onSuccess` process is not killed when `@highlight-run/node` is imported
TypeError: Class extends value #<Object> is not a constructor or null
[feature] Generate esm-specific declaration files
Possible to have `export default` emit as `module.exports`
Unrecognized after packing in turbo repo.
`taskkill` issue on 7.2.0
Unable to resolve subpath exports
Change output directory structure and convert file name?
tree shaking not working with your tailwind example
`cjsInterop` doesn't add a newline after the appended line, causing the source mapping line to be on the same line
TypeScript files are seen as JavaScript when tsup resolves types of an external package in certain conditions
Embed Environment Variables into the build
`--experimental-dts` not working well with `--clean` flag
Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT]: Directory import
Add lint command
Add benchmark
[bug] Tsup removes JSDOC
ERROR: CACError: Unknown option `--bundle`
Incorrect JSON in "sourcesContent" with the "sourcemap" option
FR: beforeBuild "hook" just like onSucces
Is it possible to build a react component with css.module ?
tsup ignores tsconfig.json `target` and uses node14
Option `sourcemap: 'inline'` not working
[Doc] clarify target property valid values
build error when using dts option
Add `--umd [name]` flag
Feature request: add support for jsxImportSource
Error when run multiple tsup instance concurrently
[Question] Support config file like tsup.config.js
Run typescript code and restart on changes
Not support emitDecoratorMetadata
react jsx transform
V6 breaks on fsevents
Add sourcemap support
"error occured in dts build" without any other details
Bug: The plugin "native-node-modules" didn't set a resolve directory for the file
【bug】'use strict' is double emitted
can i specify bundle-require for loading tsup.config Is the path to the tsconfig file used?
onSuccess script exit with code 1 does not cause entire script exit with code 1
`.mts` support
tsub is not command
DataCloneError on outExtension when DTS is on
Rollup 3
Is there a problem here? does this make sense?
Upgrade to esbuild ^0.21.3 (decorators)
How to resolve `import` and `require` errors?
[Feature Request] Expose ``
Overcome path and fs dynamic import error
Rebuild apps that rely on a changed package(s)
Type Doc is 404
in menorepo reexport tsup run error, but tsc run ok
Got `Cannot find module '@swc/core'` error with v8.1.1
typedoc page down in documentation
[Bug] Cannot find src - 8.2.1 breaking changes
peer dependency issues when installing
Critical bug in version v8.2.1
docs missing: skipNodeModulesBundle
Watch mode gives `SIGABRT` error once built
No DTS rebuild in watch mode
Cannot start service: Host version "0.17.19" does not match binary version "0.18.20"
[Bug Report] When built as `cjs`, differing values of `splitting` can lead to inconsistent outputs from `await import()`.
upgrade chokidar to v4
[Help] Include other type declaration in the types built by tsup
`experimentalDts` does not work with `Node16` and `NodeNext` module resolution
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