Seamless integration between Rollup and PostCSS.
USD raised
Recent activities
ES module support
Cannot convert deep syntax in Vue
Move to `postcss-load-config` 5.0
Can't use mjs config files
Nextjs support: The server side rendering of components is making it unstyled.
How to use only dart(sass) without node-sass
Bundle webcomponent.js with webcomponent.css
Sourcemap file points to the compiled scss when its setting is `true`
On watch mode generated CSS sometimes is prepended when using multiple CSS files
Is it possible to set stylesheet order?
Customize `less` instance
No option to generate moduler css along with one single css which will load separately into dom
Error thrown "@use rules must be written before any other rules."
[scss] Sources path in extracted "*.map.css" file is not correct - hierarchy of folders is missed.
Usage of "~" sign in imports
React npm packages using rollup not working with srr or nextjs?
Not working with scss modules including inline comments
An exception occurs in the windows environment
Error importing bootstrap's minified file: property "url" must be followed by a ':'
Error when importing a third party .scss file as a global with Error "Missing whitespace before :global"
style inject false is not respected
How to use imports with root slash?
Getting CSS Modules to work together with SASS - can we specify to only treat a particular format as a css module?
How can I add nonce value at run time in style tag injected by library which is using postcss to bundle css file ?
Generated CSS is not exported as default as readme says
Why so many `@use 'sass:map'` in the code compiled after sass? Can I remove them?
Using tailwind is resulting in an endless build loop
modules true and postcss-custom-properties doesn't seem to transform everything
Cant get it work
An option to "do nothing"? i.e. transform in place
Weird text overriding
Extract and inject css
sass-loader: Passing down in importer done wrong
[!] Error: Unexpected character '@' (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)
SCSS modules does not work with inject:true
Question: Use of 'include' option
ESM library generated with rollup-plugin-postcss throws Cannot find module '../node_modules/style-inject/dist/'
PostCSS plugin xxx requires PostCSS 8
Impossible to inject CSS from a node_modules import
Vulnerabilities on version 4.0.0 with PostCSS
anyway to external styleInject function to prevent the duplicate?
Unable to use modules with postcss-for or postcss-each
unable to read global scss files
Error: File to import not found or unreadable
Vulnerability on version 4.0.0 related with is-svg
TypeError: Invalid PostCSS Plugin found at: plugins[0]
CSS Modules and @nest
SASS Loader doesn't use next importer
The plugin ignores any sourcemap chains from other plugins transformations
[Feature] split extraction into multiple CSS bundles
[feature] support auto import a file like variable.scss
Keep imports and mark them as external
import of extracted CSS is removed
Respect "preserveModules" when "extract" is true
sass-loader: Resolve isn't looking at main fields like _index.scss
onExtract argument expect getExtracted call result but get getExtracted function
modules configuration is very confusing. Could it be simplified?
Use dart sass only
[feature] linkTag injection type
Wrong resolution order for dynamically imported modules in 3.1.6
augmentChunkHash with extract: true breaks hashing
Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
Error: Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript) src/main.css
Is there a way to support "@use" from sass?
There is a way to use modules:true that not conflicts with external css files imports from node_modules?
Css module support is broken in 3.1.3
styleInject breaks tree-shaking
Add option to disable bundling / concatination of css
Cannot compile .scss into bundle.css
Add possibility to extract file outside of directory with bundle
Unused compiled CSS classes aren't eliminated
Extract with rollup-plugin-multi-input
Custom Sass input
Plugins not evaluating locally imported style sheets
Add documentation and refining test cases for multiple entry files
Expected Digit error when using sass dart variables
include/exclude patterns in plugin for conditionally applying modules only on non-node_modules files
Compatibility with yarn v2
CI crash on release.yml
New maintainer needed!
How to make less and modules work together?
Trim inline sourcemaps emitted from other rollup plugin
Use @import (reference) '~moduleName/file.less'
(plugin postcss) TypeError: Cannot read property 'syntax' of undefined
How to keep "import css" line to the output file?
sass-loader does not invoke custom importers
Can't get it to work with svelte
rollup file.type is missing for the CSS output
[Q&A] how to make modules selectabe?
Bundle .css file did not work
Option to output CSS instead of JS
Load "node-sass" from another directory
Not loading config.path or default postcss.config.js
Possible to not reject on error?
Extract "css" variable in JS for custom Server Side Rendering
Cannot get postcss to work at all
Generate single css file for multiple js bundles(esm, umd, cjs)
Allow Style-Inject to not be bundled
wrong style-inject path
Extract CSS separately for every file of the array of rollup entry points
Add possibility to pass cssnano options when using extract
Unwanted appending to `inline` class names
Error: TypeError: decl.moveTo is not a function
extensions option not working
Add support for transform dependencies
Update dependnecies
globalModulePaths option of globalModulePaths don't works
No way to designate input and output.
Don’t write js output when in extract mode.
How to keep both extracted CSS and inline CSS?
Support customizing scoped module in postcss-loader
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