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Chrome loses css styles #353

skoob13 posted onGitHub

First of all thanks for Poi!

Sometimes (mostly randomly or I can't just catch it) when I change some css in Chrome DevTools, Chrome loses mostly all styles. Previously I used my own webpack configuration and just switched to Poi, everything was okay.

Any ideas what's wrong?

If it's a Vue.js, it might be caused by the cache of vue-loader/vue-style-loader, not entirely sure about this, but removing node_modules/.cache might help.

posted by egoist over 6 years ago

So it happens in vue-cli too (only for .vue component)

The workaround is to disable css source map:

posted by egoist about 6 years ago

@issuehunt has funded $40.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot almost 6 years ago

This issue has been marked as Stale, it will be closed in a week if there's no furthur activity.

posted by github-actions[bot] almost 5 years ago

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