Business logic with ease ☄️
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Recent activities
Usage with TypeScript is missing
Usage with React-Native
`createComponent` not supporting hooks yet
effector-vue documentation is missing
restore function doesn't work in REPL
Compatibility with TV browser (Chrome 47)
createEffect doesn't resolve void Params
Missing store.updates in documentation
Property "shortName" is missing on types for Event and Effect
Missing useList in documentation
using sample leads to duplication in the outline
Error overlay is on top of navigation UI on mobile
Split types tests into separate snapshots
Vue-effector, passing shape of stores fails with error
Remove broken link to Unit in sample documentation
Add ability to clone store
Throw in reducer is not cancel computation of other reducers
Add documentation
Gate default state is {}, but i can create non-object Gate
ReasonML documentation is missing
Typescript typings for sample
Effect.prepend -> Effect
Bug in reddit example
effector-react/compat should import effector/compat
Incomplete forward typings
Change `sample` name to be similar to `combine`
domain api. Rename event, store, effect to createEvent, createStore, createEffect
ERROR Compiled - Cannot find name 'E' in effector/index.d.ts
How to subscribe to a Promise result?
Allow clearNode to erase domains
Is @effector/forms ready for production?
Improve @effector/forms API
Guide for SSR with effector
Cant pass tests when running from Windows
Support for flutter and persistence?
Sample accepts undefined trigger
Add documentation for new useList with keys
Add documentation for guard
Usage with v-model? (Vue)
[TS] restore<T | null>(Effect<any, T>, null) fails due to contravariance
[REPL]: restore with store argument crashes REPL
[TS] `sample` with `target`: "best common type" problem
Issue in formAPI example
Typescript build error: Cannot find name 'Tap'.
Effector website theme is not properly set
last example in https://effector.now.sh/docs/api/effector/restore not working
dependencies and devDependencies
Cross-domain Connections?
Undo / Redo
Store evaluation order
Cycle protection
blog design is broken
Remove event.filter(fn)
Remove fourth argument from sample
Remove restore aliases
Remove blocks
Big lists
Add support for ESModules
Implement console.assert for REPL
store.subscribe should accept observer object
Add documentation for fork methods
Utility types from Effector
It would be better if allSettled will return results of effect execution
Add `attach({ effect })` override
effector Spacewatch 23 tracking issue
`sample` - incompatible unit in target appears as an error in `source`
Allow to create/connect units in target of sample
[effector-react/scope]: useUnit Bug
Deprecate `useStore`/`useEvent` in favour of `useUnit`
Add SWC plugin
Add .once property to Gate API
Bugs in safari displaying documentation
`serialize: ignore` in `createStore` serializes after fork with `values`
Separate types for readonly Store (`Store`) and listen-only Event (`Event`)
`createStore` with `serialize: ignore` won't ignores when used with factory
Make `useStoreMap` isomorphic in `effector-solid`
Deprecate `effector-solid/scope`
Make `useGate` isomorphic in `effector-solid`
Deprecate `*/scope` packages in favour of isomorphic bindings
Isomorphic hooks in `effector-vue`
Use regular `effector` import in `effector-react`
effector-react HydrateScopeBoundary
Misprint "targt" instead of "target"
Update Countdown timer recipe to use sample
Passing a custom handler to `restore`
How to keep effect.doneData synced with store in sample
generic typeguard do not work as filter
Add readonly stores on type level
ts error when using combine with primitive values
The side effect is triggered only once
Invalid type of the `sample` function. "Argument type {...} is not assignable to parameter type {error: "either target, clock or source should exists"} "
`useUnit` returns stale value when used on dynamically changing Event
How to extract all Stores of Scope (including derived)
The effector.dev website is down
Update imports in effector-vue
Deprecate `undefined` as a magic skip update value and allow it as a normal value
Possible Bug in Execution Queues
Allow to mock value in Gate.state using fork method
Race condition in parallel effect calls
No scope events affect scoped stores
Allow to pass `domain` to `attach` without parent effect
[forest] `classList`: classes in a form of `Store<string>` are not applied to element at render time
`scopeBind` doesn't accept effects with typed error
Add eslint rule to ban direct imports from 'effector/effector.umd', 'effector/effector.cjs', 'effector/effector.mjs'
How to get previous state on store update?
Running into a what seems to be false positive error
Question about updates to store with same value
migrate to useUnit from useStore and useEvent in effector-vue
Batching for `useUnit`
Specify target Vue versions (2 or 3) for different `effector-vue` APIs
useUnit shape bug in old iOS Safari
useStore is deprecated, prefer useUnit instead
Storing nodes in an effector store?
`await $store.read()` as alternative to error-prone `$store.getState()`
Do not use `sid` as a key in effect handler mocking
Replace `list.flat()` with `Array#concat` for compatibility build
What's the best way to `forward` return values from effects to other store?
Question about DI
Replacement of `values` during `fork` brakes serialization ignore
Проблема с извлечением типов
store.map() and lastState
Name collision in `combine` with `domain`
Invalid types for `createEffect` and `attach` in factories with generics
Move from Netlify to Cloudflare Pages
Remove UMD build
Remove `setStoreName`
[effector-vue] Support two-way data binding in useUnit for Vue.js
anchors in mobile docs cannot be copied
Search index includes many pages "redirecting to..." and to desired page
Just throwing this out there
Vue and useVModel update
Best way to "split" the result of an effect into different directions
Stabilize new documentation
effector-vue lib does not export VueEffector from optionsApi.ts
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