:bulb: Digital Circuit rendering engine
USD raised
Recent activities
SVG working with Dark / Light mode
[Question] Testing logidrom
render wires
Symbol construction
DataPath or Control logic?
schematic editor suggestion
Long signal names cropped
Connect 'Internal' Signals
split string for assign statements
Align Input Signal Names
Put Input Signal Names in 'Tabs'
Optional Declaration of (External) Input Signals
Connect Same Name Input Signals
Change INV to NOT
Ability to select standard for the symbols.
Schematics: Add Ability to Create Multiple Output Terms in One Network
Schematics/Waveform: Rendering of Low Active Signal Names
Sharing one input for multiple gates in schematic
Extend the logic symbols
Verilog style mux
draw flip flops with the assign command
How to widen the render area in schematic?
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