plasma chamber is generalized plasma platform.
USD raised
Recent activities
[IssueHunt] for by
[IssueHunt] for muck
✨ Docker Compose ✨
Validate 0 amount deposit
[layer2/core/tx] SplitTransaction must be renamed to TransferTransaction
TxDecoder's circular reference
Gasless Exit via GasStationNetwork
[Bug] get error from wallet to exit segment
To REST API (Childchain)
REST-ful API with Swagger + ABI with Swagger
CORS error on local
Unknown predicate name
Data and API specification
Linter (Core)
Do not pass contracts test.
state transition verification library for child chain and wallet
Dex predicate sample
[Very future] fork and reorg behavior
Lerna Semantic Release
can't learn bootstrap after clone?
Refactoring of lerna-semantic-release
Minimal Viable Predicate Sandbox
Template of Release Note
Lerna independent-mode
Multisends predicate for full amount transfer
L1 contract error i18n
Lerna versioning rule
searchUTXO can be null for certain condition
Add timestamp in Transaction and Action
[Documentation] How to get DAI on Kovan
Invalid exitable ranges
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