Progressively enhanced HTML templating engine written in JavaScript
USD raised
Recent activities
Add an error when `<script routes>` is used but routes are not provided to compilerOptions
`<if true>` debugging shorcut
Provide better stack traces for warnings and errors
Relative/absolute path handling
style[scoped] improvements
Disallow traversing above root dir
Concatenate all standard to one script tag at the bottom of the page
Variable collision handling for imported components
<script>'s src not interpolated
Script scoped includes irrelevant content
Browser supports canvas/webp
Device is a phone/tablet/computer/watch
Better `inlineLocalVariablesInAttributes`
Type safe internal code
Show a warning if a variable is not being used in a component
Better error handling when YAML translation is unparseable
Add better error handling and documentation for the `translation` tag
Better error handling when data tag contains duplicate translations
Better error message when css file is not found
<img src="./foo.jpeg" inline progressive>
Optimize output, save expressions to variables
Lifecycle handling (iso)
Add better documentation
Allow to override the hash method (to make testing easier)
Access to the scope class from script
Built-in validation (basics)
Update README.md (Usage part) to include a Hello World example that uses imports
Make the engine faster when nested for loops are used
ifStatementRemoval optimization does not handle all edge cases
Large number of dependecies
Bring back variables acceptance spec
Shorter syntax for params
More benchmarks
Remove markdown dependency and related code
Allow to disable certain features
Passing variables directly to the compiler
CSS Selectors inspired syntax
Small Markdown -> Unescape issue
Add compiler options to README
Simplify conditions that are checking nodes
Destructuring inside of components
Reassigning variables
Mention bitwise or operator limitation in docs
Optimizations - avoid out-of-bounds reads
Wcag - warnings
Performance metrics
Modifier - if browser supports webgl
<img src="./foo.png" lazy />
<img src="./foo.png" inline resize="1600x800" />
<img src="./foo.png" inline optimize />
Translations available in the script tag
compiler attribute on a style node
Multiple i18n tags in one file
New Condition: if foo has n words
Add more specs for operators in expressions
Better benchmarks
Do not escape expressions with literals only
Update docs with a table of differences of this lib vs other template engines
define own filters
fuzzy testing
Stronger test suite
coverage badge
Transform image before inlining
Interpolation should NOT work within strings
script[scoped] bug
Unexpected token: ';'
Render `<!DOCTYPE html>` instead of `<!doctype html>`
Mistake in README.md
Error is occured in pre-push hook
Add a possibility to load data from external files
Add a possibility to inject data into script[scoped]
Pass the path of the current file to esbuild (script[scoped])
`classes` utility method (vdom)
`styles` utility method (vdom)
Support filters in translate modifiers
TypeError: Cannot read property 'undefined' of undefined at getFilter
Installing Boxwood causes a lot of errors and warnings (Linux)
Upgrading deps + Rollup Plugin
Show a warning for `<a href="https://external-url"` when there is no `rel="noopener"` present
scoped styles for js components
Inlining stylesheets inside of js components
Add a way to disable any warning
Show a warning when alt is missing for an img
Render `<style>` tag inside of the `<head>`
css linter
component and partial props
7 guis
Add a semicolon when joining multiple script tags
`text` attribute should should act like a standard property for components
scope class on a node should be unique
Add support for different formats of images (jpg, jpeg, svg) in the new esbuild image plugin
Improve the stylesheet inlining code to simplify the new bundler code
Add `i18n.load` method
Can I use it at Client-side, for example: click to change somethings?
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