A library for working with abstract syntax trees.
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Recent activities
Add Meriyah's wiki table to this module's readme?
Name-agnostic way to represent an AST
Add and export utility classes for all types of nodes
Cannot find module ‘./types.json’
new match method
Async methods
Converting ArrayExpression into a BinaryExpression [docs]
Improve `binaryExpressionReduction` to handle nested binary expressions
Expose optimization methods directly
Rewrite and drop the `to-ast` dependency
Using the library in the browser (client-side)
`sourcemap` method support for the browser's bundle
dynamic imports will generate error
Remove the comparify dependency in favor of own code
Add an `iife` method
Add an iife method
accept `Array` with nodes in `toBinaryExpression`
TypeError: _ is not a function when using any static method of AbstractSyntaxTree class in Angular
not support `await`?
Better querying support
JS Error in Commonjs ENV
[Typescript Error]: Function declaration must have a name in this context
Getting Parent and Child Node
Pass parent in the remove method
Type Literal instead of BigIntLiteral
Concrete syntax tree
Tokenize method
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