Add ability to color cells on Pivot Tables #3416
jfeng15 posted onGitHub
A couple of users have requested the ability to color cells on Pivot Tables, either manually or based on certain rules. This issue is to track the addition of that feature.
Hi, all,
Actually, we have implement similar features for pivot table and plain table, in our own branch.
Some screenshot here:
The final table style:
Configure table column style based on some rules (like if the value is greater than 100%, then set the cell color to red)
Configure table row style based on some rules (like if the row contains some keyword, then highlight the whole row):
I was wondering if anybody have interest in this feature. We can consider to contribute back to upstream.
Actually, we have implement similar features for pivot table and plain table, in our own branch.
good features,i also needit.tks!! which branch can try this feature
Hi, @gangh
Right now these feature is hosted on our own internal private codebase, and we're considering to contribute back this feature to upstream in one or two months.
I wrote our work here because I was wondering how many people are interested in this kind of feature.
@xiaohanyu Love the simple implementation! I am interested as well.
upstream it!
Has this feature been implemented in superset ? .
@shyam2794 Right now, no. We're considering contribute our patch to upstream, maybe start from Next January.
And to give you a sneak:
@xiaohanyu This looks cool . Thanks for the reply . We are in very much need of this feature . Expecting it to be in superset by Jan.
@shyam2794 we will start to do this from Jan, so be patient!
is it done?
@kartikshanbhag3333 we're working on it from this week. It should be PRed by the end of this month.
Hi guys, currently we are working on this to make it more flexible and more complete, with @xiaohanyu , there are two different design, which one do you think better?
@mistercrunch @graceguo-supercat @michellethomas @timifasubaa @shyam2794 @kartikshanbhag3333
The First one looks very useful to me
@kartikshanbhag3333 oh really? we think the second one looks more aligned considering layout, while the first one looks a little messy about layout.
@xiaohanyu @WangXueminGit 2nd one looks better.
@xiaohanyu Yeah I missed some pointers from the 2nd one, 2nd one clearly makes sense..
@WangXueminGit The second one looks pretty neat .
We're almost done.
@WangXueminGit is really working quite hard on this feature and after internal code review, we'll push this to upstream soon.
Here's a small demo of our work:
Hi guys, I made a pr for this issue. Check the pull request #4394 Thanks!!
HI, all, we have updated lots of screenshots in, please vote for us, thanks.
@xiaohanyu I reinstalled superset to use this feature in my machine . But i could not find any row or column configuration in the Pivot table
@shyam2794 Hi, this PR is not merged yet, and if you would like to have a try, you have to cherry pick this PR manually by yourself, then you have to recompile the frontend assets.
@xiaohanyu Thanks for the response . So will this feature be applicable even for the plain table other than pivot .And can you provide the tentative timeline regarding when it will be merged .
@xiaohanyu @WangXueminGit I tried to implement the PR by myself and it works fine for the pivot visualization and it looks awesome . But you have stated on top of this thread that you have this feature implemented for both the table and pivot . How to implement this feature on plain table ? I am struck with the changes that needs to be done on table.js .
Can you share the code for plain table . It will be of great help .
Any update on merging this to latest version
give me some time and let me rebase this feature...
I think there is another update version now need to. Met up-to-date.
Hi @xiaohanyu , I know this might not be in the wrong subject. But how did you guys come up with the subtotal in the pivot table?
Does anybody know if this feature will be in the next release? Thanks
This is nice feature, when it will be available ?
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The PR was closed asking for it to be re-submitted as a plugin. Any idea when it will be available as a plugin?
@xiaohanyu, @WangXueminGit are you able to release this as a plugin?
Hi i used it with superset 0.32 it will be good working and i need to schedule message based on text in the table