Zero Communications and Marshalling
USD raised
Recent activities
ZCM-DEBUG: failed to find transport for 'ipc'
ZCM tools should not exit 1 in response to "-h"
Transport can should report errors
Make a queuing transport wrapper for other transports
Coretypes is doing incorrect bit shifting for decode_array
Add a shared memory-based ipc transport with much lower overhead than zmq ipc
Zcm transports report error stats
Allow julia version 1.7.3
zcm handle with timeout
Make zcm-spy-lite display the url in the top header
Make "boolean" bitpacked (like an int8_t:1)
nodejs example failed on Alpine3.11
Zcm Eventlog in C should inform user WHY an event failed to load
base64 encode the channel name in zmq lockfile path
Unexpected CPU load behavior on different publishing rates
Switch from a three-thread configuration to Boost.Asio
Use different concurrent queue implementation
Make more transparent how ZCM works internally
Node zcmgen needs to name the file differently based on the waf build target name
Discuss and document usage scenarios
Get notifications in case of decoding errors
Get transport stats from zcm
Do some error checking inside zcm so transports don't have to
add a --use-eigen to zcm that enables eigen interface to all numeric arrays in zcmtypes
Make embedded zcm code more memory safe and loud on failure
Allow transports to have better error handling capabilities through zcm
Add a comment in the zcm embedded section regarding zcm needing a heap
add a way to get the MTU of a zcm instance (both blocking and nonblocking)
ZMQ delay from publish/subscribe
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