💵📩 Envelope budgeting using your MoneyMoney transactions
USD raised
Recent activities
error messages when opening an existing budget
Handle Enter and Return in Budget Inputs
Support category sorting
"unsaved changes" warning on close
The automated release is failing 🚨
Setup integration tests
Jump to current month when opening a budget
Select all on budget input focus
Use startDate for leftmost month in budget view scroll
Try to support cash/offline accounts
This issue is misused for File Hosting
Contribution docs
select a recent budget when starting the app
Refresh MM data
MoneyMoney category export
Make category-groups collapsable
Recent budgets
A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
Migrate to uuid ID for categories and accounts
Support simple calculations in BudgetInput
bank accounts in MM that only display the last 90 days of transactions
File format not supported. - Alpha 5
Error on creating a new budget
Next/Prev month is not loaded when scrolling at bottom of budget
(Auto)Update process
Remove recoil
Can not open new window when one is active
dmg on Mac
Create New Budget - Unexpectedly got undefined as icon
Goes on erron on 1st start
Fehler beim Erstellen eines neuen Budgets mit "Start Date" in der Zukunft und vielen Buchungen
Build for Apple Silicon
Calculate Balance including positive bookings?
Whish for a 'This Month' Button in Toolbar
Scrolling between categories and values out of sync
Scrollbar and border not in dark mode
Incorrect width of month view
Add option to exclude reserved transactions
Create a new Budget -> make account list scrollable
Feature Request: Support for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts (e.g., Cmd+M for minimizing)
Add a template fund distribution
Make it possible to add depots to budgeted accounts
Bug Unexpected end of JSON input
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