Bring your stream back to life with modern effects!
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Recent activities
Face retouch/smooth/beautify
Build StreamFX from source on Fedora 36 fails
When a Source Mirror is Mirroring a Scene, clearly indicate that Audio is not mirrored
[Request] Flatpak version of StreamFX for OBS
Replace Me Or Have Your Report Closed
Source Mirror: Sources which change resolution are not updated correctly
buffer overflow detected
Virtual Greenscreen filter does not initialize if Source is 0x0
Auto-Framing's Stability Framing Options are not applied properly
Request: Add the "Background Blur" feature from Nvidia Broadcast to StreamFX
NVENC (via FFmpeg) applies non-CBR settings to CBR
FidelityFX Upscaling in Upscaling Filter
Export LUTs created by the Color Grading Filter
Removing the Video Super Resolution filter from a source causes OBS to crash
A Filter for Logical Branches
cannot declare arrays
Shader Transitions should support Source Transitions
[BUG] (Replace this part including the brackets)
[BUG] (WebSocket keeps disconnecting)
[BUG] Installation 10.0 version (windows)
H264 Hi444PP Profile of streamfx generates invalid H264 stream by not using cabac
[BUG] H264 Hi444PP Profile generates by streamfx generates invalid H264 stream by not using cabac
Color Grading's Lift feature is just another Offset
"SDF Effects" filter is undocumented
people are re-following on my twitch
How the fuck can you use this in streamlabs bcs obs is outdated and trash
Improved Spout/Sink System
Call to Action: Help translate StreamFX into other languages!
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