All algorithms implemented in C#.
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Refresh algorithms
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Add more algorithms
Add more data structures
I created a "BitList" that can be add to the structures
Add search algorithms
Replace NUnit with xUnit testing framework
Add more OEIS sequences
Suggestion of a dynamics hierarchical layout to invite more .NET community engagement
Why ALL languages uses MIT License while C-Sharps uses (Discouraging non MIT license)?
The implementation of InsertionSorter is wrong
Add New Algorithm- Z-block substring search
TargetFrameworks of projects .Net5.0 â .Net6.0
16th of December 2022: will be shut down
[FEATURE] Add Algorithm for counting set bits in an integer
There is an issue in DirectedWeightedGraph.RemoveVertex
Astar overrides cost of tiles next to the starting point
Improve Stack array based algorithms
SieveOfEratosthenes.cs isn't the Sieve of Eratosthenes
Recommend adding a CountOfDivisors function to Algorithms.Numeric
Dijkstra algorithm not implemented correctly.
Add something cool
BitArray could be using way less memory
Contribution Request: Organizing And Adding Dynamic Programming Problems
C# implementation of binary search does not run.
Addition of QueueBasedStack
Implement a common BlockCipherPadding Interface
Addition of the A* graph search algorithm
Migrate to .NET 8
Fix BlowfishEncoder or BlowfishEncoderTests
Replace System.Drawing.Common
Update packages
Add Codecov coverage upload with token
Invasor de rede
Abertura de fechaduras eletrĂŽnicas
StyleCop SA1011 Rule Blocks Nullable Array Declaration
Dev container
I want to add Delegates in your code to improve class of methods
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