
Attribute inspection #71

gergelyk posted onGitHub

Hi. This is not an issue. Rather an improvement proposal. I thought that it may be useful if better_exceptions could show values of attributes accessed by period operator.

For instance, instead of:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "foo.py", line 9, in <module>
    print(123 / X.y)
                â”” <class '__main__.X'>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

we would get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "foo.py", line 9, in <module>
    print(123 / X.y)
                | â”” 0
                â”” <class '__main__.X'>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Interesting. I worry about the side effects of property access, however - since it's not just a lookup but potentially a function call, which means we'd also have to check for true property access beforehand.

But yeah, I think this could be done safely.

posted by Qix- about 6 years ago

Good point.

Potential side effects of __getattr__ could be eliminated if we inspect only attributes from __dict__ of the object (and its class, and parent classes of this class). But __getattribute__ may still cause problems.

On the other hand, better_exceptions already calls __repr__ which theoretically also can have side effects. So general safety is violated anyway.

posted by gergelyk about 6 years ago

could be eliminated if we inspect only attributes from __dict__

That's what I was thinking. inspect.getattr_static would do nicely here.

On the other hand, better_exceptions already calls __repr__ which theoretically also can have side effects. So general safety is violated anyway.

Yes but __repr__ having side effects isn't necessarily a good idea anyway, IMO. I don't really care about that.

posted by Qix- about 6 years ago

inspect.getattr_static - good finding. I agree regarding __repr__.

posted by gergelyk about 6 years ago

Re repr() I've created https://github.com/Qix-/better-exceptions/issues/85 - I think better-exceptions should not crash through it.

posted by blueyed almost 6 years ago

@issuehunt has funded $40.00 to this issue.

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 5 years ago

@Qix- @gergelyk any update on this??

posted by lokesh1729 over 5 years ago

@qix- has rewarded $28.00 to @dtrckd. See it on IssueHunt

  • :moneybag: Total deposit: $40.00
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posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 5 years ago

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