MultiConverter aims to be a video converter and editor for my daily use.
USD raised
Recent activities
Check performance problem on setting views
Test UI using default Avalonia theme
Test if upgrading to latest preview version solve the issue
Check if performance drop is related to `FluentAvalonia`
[SUGGESTION] Reuse/adapt sources from other projects
Select preset from a default preset list
Use list of formats from ffmpeg for allowed output video format
Use list of codecs from ffmpeg for use in audio/video codecs selection
Implement output path generation
Implement action selection to execute after conversion end
Subtitle formating (Color, size, typography)
Create a list of favorite formats and show on top of all others
Create a list of favorite codecs and show on top of all others
Export and import of all/individual presets
Duplicate an already created Preset
Move Extensions override to appsettings.json
Add missing audio channels selection (mono/stereo/...)
Move default presets to external resource
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