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Improve how 503 Errors from preprint servers are handled #75

dasaderi posted onGitHub

  • 10.31219/ seems to be a bug
  • the medrxiv / biorxiv ones seem to come from medrxiv / biorxiv responding with a 503 error.
posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

Thanks, @sballesteros. So it's not an issue on our end? What can we do?

posted by dasaderi almost 5 years ago

Not sure, I will check in more details tonight after work. The URL we want to load seems to work (e.g., so not sure why we get the 503. Just a vague theory but given that we are proxying the request through and that the URL works without the proxy maybe biorxiv / medrxiv blacklisted us?

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago works and it's the exact same code path.

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

We also tested and found that the arxiv is down, so not a bug for rapid-prereview from that perspective.

Instead we should probably change this bug to be that rapid needs a way to handle in the UI for when the arxiv servers are having issues and communicate that to the user.

posted by georgiamoon almost 5 years ago

As far as i can tell the medrxiv and biorxiv servers are (currently) not down for the DOI I checked and the issue is only when the PDF is proxied (the raw URL works fine)

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

it seems that medrxiv / biorxiv are now using an extra layer of protection to protect from DDoS attacks and maybe we got blacklisted as part of it?

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

@sballesteros we were getting 503s here on the raw arxiv URL also. I think they might be having an intermittent issue due to increased load. My point is that rapid-prereview probably needs a way to handle the fact that the source material might not be available, and so have a way provide a good user experience in that event.

posted by georgiamoon almost 5 years ago

sure assuming that it's intermittent (which I am not 100% sure yet 🤞) improving the error message and UX is definitely a good idea and could be done in a new issue 👍

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

also AFAIK arxiv and biorxiv / medrxiv are hosted on different infrastructure so their status should be independent (i think that biorxiv / medrxiv are on the same infra).

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

<img width="967" alt="Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 4 11 55 PM" src="">

^^ that's the new protection layer from biorxiv / medrxiv which may be creating an issue for our proxy but hopefully it's just an intermittent glitch 🤞

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

Another user signaled this problem with the following preprints:


COVID-19 in unequally ageing European regions

posted by dasaderi almost 5 years ago

yes any OSF preprint should be like that, i am working on a PR that I am hoping to send soon

posted by sballesteros almost 5 years ago

@dasaderi @sballesteros is this issue still relevant? It seems like the OSF preprint issue is different, but I don't know if there's an issue for that?

posted by georgiamoon almost 5 years ago

I'm not sure.

posted by dasaderi almost 5 years ago

From May 12th Meeting:

  • Not COVID specific
  • No feedback for the user on why no data is returned and why/where
posted by murkatr almost 5 years ago

@prereview has funded $100.00 to this issue.

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 4 years ago

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prereview funded 100.00 for PREreview/rapid-prereview# 75
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