
Create a RSS Export #137

murkatr posted onGitHub

We want to provide an RSS feed for partners to import.

They specifically need: preprint DOI, review title, date, reviewer author name, link to OSrPRE

@prereview has funded $100.00 to this issue.

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 4 years ago

@murkatr, I've been trying to fix this issue but I'm not sure how to get all the data.

Considering the RSS specification, what should I place in the title element? What about the description?

I appreciate if you can provide more technical details.


posted by willianveiga over 4 years ago

Hi @willianveiga, that's a good question about the title and description fields. To give some context, this was floated as a possibility specifically for BioArxiv, who were basically willing even to scrape a static page for the content, as a more structured solution for them to keep track of new reviews without having to make a large number of API calls on their page load. Given that, I think there's a large amount of flexibility in how it's structured. This could even be a separate standalone script for generating an RSS feed from the JSON data, as opposed to a proper part of the API. The API documentation for OSrPRE is at, and here are some examples of how to access the data for preprints:

curl '*:*&include_docs=true'

and reviews:

curl '*:*&include_docs=true'

Would be down to chat more about structure!

posted by jheretic over 4 years ago

With your help @jheretic, I've created a draft PR.

I appreciate if you could give me a feedback to continue working on it.

Thank you.

posted by willianveiga over 4 years ago

still not done yet?

posted by spiritbro1 over 4 years ago

Hi @spiritbro1, thanks for the note that we should probably close this out. We ended up implementing this export as a separate script which you can find here:, and the new platform that merges the features and data from both and this project is being developed here: and will include a data export in RSS and other standardized formats built-in to the API.

posted by jheretic over 4 years ago

@murkatr has cancelled @prereview's funding for this issue.(Cancelled amount: $100.00) See it on IssueHunt

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 4 years ago

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