
<nz-form-control> in <nz-form-item nzGutter> should generated correct padding #2479

wheeljs posted onGitHub




Windows 10 Chrome 70.0.3538.102(正式版本) (64 位) ng-zorro-antd@1.8.0

Steps to reproduce

<nz-form-item nzGutter="8">
  <nz-form-control nzSpan="10">
    <nz-form-text>Col 10 In Form</nz-form-text>

What is expected?

<nz-form-control> get correct style padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px, like [nz-col] in [nz-row].

What is actually happening?

<nz-form-control> has no style, but <nz-form-item> generated margin style.


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Hi, I would like to look into this bug if that's okay, please?

posted by asincole over 6 years ago

@asincole 👏 Sure! Welcome to contribute. Feel free to open a pr.

posted by wendzhue over 6 years ago

Alright, great. I have forked already and will start working on it tonight. This is my first Contribution to an OSS, any tips or hints outside the ones in the or general tips? @wendzhue

posted by asincole over 6 years ago

Hi, so I have taken a look at it, I discovered that the nz-form-control selector has no padding added, so I have added that, but then once nzSpan directive is added, the padding rule gets overwritten and then set to 0 which are the rules for nzSpan directive. So I added an extra rule to override it

 .@{form-prefix-cls}-item-control-wrapper {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    padding-right: 4px; 
    padding-left: 4px;
    &[class^="@{ant-prefix}-col-"] { // adds the padding rules to overwrite the nzSpan directive rules
      padding-right: 4px;
      padding-left: 4px;

is repeating the rules optimal or is there a better way I can do it?

posted by asincole over 6 years ago

@asincole You can just create a pr and we would review your code there.

posted by wendzhue over 6 years ago

@wendzhue alright. I'll do it in a bit.. sorry about the delay. Thanks.

posted by asincole over 6 years ago

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