An Error Prone plugin for SLF4J
USD raised
Recent activities
False positives in Slf4jPlaceholderMismatch with Throwables
publish v0.1.4 to maven central
Ship v0.1.5
Migrate from Maven to Gradle with gradle-semantic-release-plugin
Detect non terminated fluent API call
Enable dependabot to release a new version
Fails without details
Version 0.1.5 is broken due to incorrect auto-value configuration
0.1.6 is not deployed onto Maven central
Slf4jIllegalPassedClass check: NoSuchMethodError: MethodMatchers$MethodNameMatcher.withParameters()
slf4j:errorprone-slf4j-0.1.7 missing on Maven Central
Introduce gradle-nexus-publish-plugin
NullPointerException in SignOnlyFormat with error-prone 2.14.0
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