A real .NET Handlebars engine
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Recent activities
[Question] How can I work with #if and objects loaded from JSON?
Memory allocation with every compiled template (to support l10n of templates)
Object reference hierarchy within custom helpers
options.Template() doens't work as expected
Adding links to related libraries in the main readme?
OutOfMemoryException on unrecognised template
[Question] Is there a way to ensure emoji's are properly handled?
Nested partial block loses passed hash context.
Template partial keeps getting html escaped
[Question] context param can be modified?
Adding license tag to nuspec file
Nested partials does't work with block helpers
Boolean changing to uppercase when running the template
Value of Dictionary<object, object> doesn't resolve unless keys are all lower case
Consecutive slashes and more than 1 slash within square brackets does not escape properly
Open escape bracket causes compile call to hang forever and run out of memory
Improve dependency graph by adding TFM
Improve nuget package readme
Any porting available for .net core 5.0
[Question] {#if is not working when using handlebars .net but the same code works handlebars.js playground
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