:page_facing_up: EA31337 framework (MQL library for writing EAs)
USD raised
Recent activities
Fix TickerTest test
Conversion is not accessible because of inheritance access
Fix OrderProfit() for MT5
Fix GHA ActionTest workflow
Fix compilation of ENUM_EA_ACTION
Array out of range in Log.mqh (235,77)
Array out of range in Dict (78,31)
Leaked memory: 2 objects of type DictObject<string,DrawPoint> left
Zero divide in 'Indi_RSI.mqh'
Fix GHA TimerTest workflow
Invalid pointer access in EA.mqh (227,56)
Refactor Log class
Implement Socket class
Database integration
Adds Redis class
Check failed builds (887546419/887554869)
Refactor iStdDevOnArray() to use MQL4's version of iStdDevOnArray
Fix GHA TaskTest workflow
Zero divide in Market.mqh (181,53)
Market: GetMarginRequired: Improve margin calculation
Indi_MA: Improve performance of iMAOnArray
Indi_Envelopes: Refactor iEnvelopesOnArray() to reuse MQL4's builtin version
Matrix: Create a class to store primitive values in matrix (like a like std::vector)
Calculate equity per Trade instance
Matrix/Math: Implement MeanSquared()/MeanSquaredLogarithmic()
Matrix/Math: Implement Poisson()
Matrix/Math: Implement LogCosh()
Matrix/Math: Implement CosineSimilarity()
Matrix: Implement min/avg/max pooling
Matrix: ToJson()/FromJson()
Finish code for opening and closing orders
Strategy: Add Task tasks to Strategy
Strategy: Implement OnOrderClose() virtual method
BufferStruct: Add method to delete data
DictStruct: Export data into CSV
Indi_RSI: zero divide in 'Indi_RSI.mqh' (225,46)
7 objects of type BufferStruct<IndicatorDataEntry> left
Strategy's orders aren't opening in MT4
Matrix: Serialize multidimensional values into binary format
OrderModify error 4108
EA: StrategyAdd doesn't compile in MT4
DEMA: MQL4 compability
Refs: invalid pointer access in 'Refs.struct.h' (83,14)
ActionTest: Memory leaks
Serializer: Add flags for dynamic and feature values
MACD: Implement iCustom mode
MFI: Implement iCustom mode
Implement Indi_MI
Momentum: Implement iCustom mode
OBV: Implement iCustom mode
OsMA: Implement iCustom mode
SAR: Implement iCustom mode
Implement PriceChannel
Implement Indi_PVT
RVI: Implement iCustom mode
Implement Indi_ROC
StdDev: Implement iCustom mode
Stochastic: Implement iCustom mode
Implement Indi_TEMA
Implement Indi_TRIX
Implement Indi_Ultimate
Implement Indi_VIDYA
Implement Indi_VROC
WPR: Implement iCustom mode
Fix GHA ConditionTest workflow
Fix GHA StrategyTest workflow
OrderTest: Finish test with closing condition
AC: Implement iCustom mode for Accelerator.mq5
AD: Implement iCustom modes
ADX: Implement iCustom mode for ADX.mq5
Implement Indi_ADXW
Implement Indi_AMA
Alligator: Implement iCustom mode for Alligator.mq5
Implement Indi_ASI
ATR: Implement iCustom mode for ATR.mq5
AO: Implement iCustom mode for Awesome_Oscillator.mq5
BearsPower: Implement iCustom mode
BullsPower: Implement iCustom mode for Bulls.mq5
Implement BW-ZoneTrade.mq5
Implement Indi_CHO
Implement Indi_CHV
Implement Indi_DEMA
DeMarker: Implement iCustom mode
Implement Indi_DPO
Envelopes: Implement iCustom mode
Force: Implement iCustom mode
Fractals: Implement iCustom mode
Implement Indi_FRAMA
Gator: Implement iCustom mode
Ichimoku: Implement iCustom mode
Class to create SVG image file
'Timer' - local variables cannot be used
gzip class
Lua parser
LogTest: incorrect casting of pointers in 'Collection.mqh' (87,16)
New Queue class
OrdersCloseAll for MQL5
Error 244: tree optimization error
[GetTick] error 258: code generation error
IndicatorsTest.mq5 fails on MT5
Config class
StrategyTest: delete invalid pointer
TradeTest: 4192 bytes of leaked memory
Indicator: Create Dict of indicators with different typename
Config: LoadFromFile, SaveToFile and ToString methods
Order: Implement dummy orders
Implement ANN
Strategy: Support for multiple indicators
EA: Calculate auto lot size
Orders::OrdersTotal() missing
EA: Load existing orders based on the magic number
Order: Do not inherit from SymbolInfo/Terminal
Log: Add Unlink()
Implement Indi_Math
Indicators: Implement Indi_Pivot
Implement Indi_RS
Implement Indi_Candle
Indi_OBV: array out of range
Account: zero divide
RSI: Implement iCustom mode
CCI: Implement iCustom mode for CCI.mq5
WARNING: Order::OrderModify:958: Warning: 4754! Failed to modify order
Option to limit trades per day or week
EA/Strategy: Trading logic to move to EA
SerializerConverter: Export double using dynamic precision
BufferStruct/DictStruct: Fixed number of values without doing resize
Write MD5Test
Dict: array out of range in 'Dict.mqh' (82,31)
Matrix: Memory leak in MT4
Add Indi_Pattern bitwise indicator
3D candles
SymbolInfo: Do not inherit from Terminal
OrderClose error 4108
Statistics and order limits per period
ERROR: Trade::OrderAdd:563: Cannot add order!; Code: 10014, Msg: Unknown error
EA::ProcessSignals:146: Error processing signals! Code: 4105
DrawIndicatorTest: Stack overflow
IndicatorsTest: invalid pointer access
StrategyTest: Dynamic class misuse
Convert Travis CI to GH Actions
Implement YAML Lint GH Workflow
iDEMA for MQL4
Add support for iADXWilder builtin for MQL5
Add iADXW logic for MQL4
Add support for iAMA builtin for MQL5
Add iAMA logic for MQL4
Add support for iChaikin builtin for MQL5
Add iChaikin logic for MQL4
[meta] Indicator improvements
Add support for iFrAMA builtin for MQL5
Add iFrAMA logic for MQL4
Add support for iTEMA builtin for MQL5
Add iTEMA logic for MQL4
Add support for iTriX builtin for MQL5
Add iTriX logic for MQL4
Add support for iVIDyA builtin for MQL5
Add iVIDyA logic for MQL4
Add support for iVolumes builtin for MQL5
Add iVolumes logic for MQL4
iDEMA compatibility with MQL4
Zero divide in 'DictStruct.mqh' (235,30)
Implement KillZone indicator
ERROR: Trade::OrdersCloseViaProp2:942: No error returned.; 10011
StrategyTest-RSI EURUSD,M30: global initialization failed
MQL5 compatible iMAOnArray()
Improves shift logic for indicators and strategies
Invalid pointer access in 'SerializerCsv.mqh' (277,45)
DateTime: Implement GetWeekOfYear()
Comment for _level is incorrect
WARNING: Trade::OrdersCloseViaProp2:954: Issue with closing the order!
Compilation issue -'array' - constant variable cannot be passed as reference
Wrong filling type when closing orders in MT5
ERROR: Trade::OrderAdd:667: Cannot add order!; Code: 10018, Msg: Unknown error
failed market buy 0.01 EURUSD [Market closed]
Trade's copy constructor not called on DictObject resize
Fixes error 244: tree optimization error
Need to optimize a News Trade EA
Order's closing conditions not loaded on init
Orders are opened, instead of being closed
EA:ProcessSignals:342: Error: 4752 DEMA
Fix Task C++ compilation error
Fix MQL and C++ compilation errors in v3.009-dev-new
C++ fixes for **/**/tests/Makefile tests
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