🏐 Volley library : make everything faster . Its an improvements for Volley by Google for Android https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/volley
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Recent activities
volley plus is giving no such method error in android 11 in java
Missing cookies
class not found
Not supported in android 9.0 (API 28)
add multipart example
Error: Program type already present: com.android.volley.Cache
Uploading multiple files using same name.
Errors while generate release APK.
Could not resolve dev.dworks.libs:volleyplus:+
Multipart request progress bar ui stuck
Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :sample.
VolleyPlus BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 500 for http://takeone.ade.co.ke/index.php
Android VolleyPlus SimpleMultipartRequest sending a POST request instead of the PUT request specified
no build
Make custom rxjava request
Image file content type application/octate-stream??? Whats wrong?
Multipart throws illegal state exception state 2
io.EOFException for android 4.3 version , but if I try to save multiple times request is completed. It is working for version 5
Failed to resolve compile 'dev.dworks.libs:volleyplus:+'
java.net.SocketException: sendto failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
Volley cancel request Issue
Class Signature is different from Volley
SimpleMultiPartRequest Unexpected response code 403
put bitmap directly into cache without having ImageView
Request Identity onErrorResponse Section
anonymous class derived from ErrorListener must either be declared abstract or implement abstract method onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) in ErrorListener
Download file with download progress in %
Progress Bar in MultiPartRequest
Sending POST data as a json object not key-value map
volley error = -1
Get cached image path
how to download a video splitly
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