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WorldGuard region members can't create chest shops #387
SuperProStefan posted onGitHub
Plugin Version
3.11 (build 213)
Plugin Config
<!-- The full config.yml file of ChestShop. -->
<details> <summary>Config</summary>
Server Version
<!-- The full server version that you are running from /version -->
My server runs Purpur 1.16.3
Server Log
<!-- The full latest.log file, especially important if you have a stack trace -->
This is the log when the server is starting:
What other plugins are you running?
<!-- List of your plugins, ideally with the version -->
List of all plugins: ActionHealth, AdvancedPortals, AuctionHouse, BetterRTP, BetterTeams, BungeeGuard, ChatFilter, ChatInjector, ChatItemDisplay, ChestShop, ChestShopNotifier, CommandPanels, ConsoleSpamFix, CraftingStore, CrazyCrates, CustomJoinMessages, DeathMessagesPrime, DiscordSRV, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EventPool, FogusCore, GoldenEnchants, GriefPrevention, Harbor, HolographicDisplays, HolographicExtension, HopeCommander-Spigot, Hyperverse, IllegalStack, InteractionVisualizer, InventoryRollback, Iridescent, Karma, LightAPI, LockettePro, LPC, LuckPerms, MegaLimiter, PerWorldInventory, PL-Hide, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerReport, PluginManager, ProtocolLib, SAML, SheepColorSwapper, SimplePortals, SkinsRestorer, SnowballDamage, Spartan, SuperVanish, TAB-BukkitBridge, TradeSystem, Umbrella, VarLight, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, ViewDistanceTweaks, Votifier, VotingPlugin, WorldBorder, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
What is happening?
<!-- Explain what happens and what steps should be done to reproduce the issue. Ideally with pictures and the full error log! -->
So I created a WorldGuard region and when I added members to it (by using /rg addmember, so they can build and everything). When someone tries to place a shop sign on chest, it says that he can't create a shop there. I tried editing the WorldGuard integration section in config, but still doesn't work.
What did you expect to happen?
<!-- Explain what you expected to happen after performing the previously described steps -->
I expect players to have the ability to create shops inside WorldGuard regions when I add them as members.
Additional context
<!-- Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. -->