
Allow for filtering with tags and searching at the same time #2917

arcturus140 posted onGitHub

Current behavior

The list of notes can be filtered using the search field, storage locations or tags. They are not working interactively, meaning that the GUI does not allow to combine actions to further restrict matching criteria.

As it is now selecting tags gives me a search result, then using the search gives me another search result.

Suggested behavior

Every tag I select should automatically be added to the search field as #tagname. If I want to narrow down the search result I can add search terms in the search field. Every tag I deselect should automatically be removed from the search field.

As an added benefit it would make it more transparent to the user how he/she can use #tagname in the search field.

Steps to reproduce

  1. select tags to receive a list of notes by that criteria
  2. enter a search term to receive another list only matching that new criteria
  3. do the same vice-verse


  • Version : 0.11.15
  • OS Version and name : all

@jchalifour has funded $2.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot about 6 years ago

@jchalifour has cancelled funding for this issue.(Cancelled amount: $2.00) See it on IssueHunt

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jchalifour cancelled funding 2.00 for  BoostIO/ Boostnote#2917
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jchalifour funded 2.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 2917
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