
No scrolling when the tag is overflow #2688

richardtks posted onGitHub

Current behavior

When the tags are overflow, user unable to enter the new tag.

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Expected behavior

  1. When the tags are overflow, its container should able to be scrolled.
  2. User should able to enter new tag regardless number of tags existed.

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Steps to reproduce

<!-- Please be thorough, issues we can reproduce are easier to fix! -->

  1. Keep entering new tag until it gets overflow.
  2. Notice that no scroller even the tags are overflow. [X OK]
  3. New tag is not allow anymore. [X OK]



  • Version : master
  • OS Version and name : UBuntu LTS 18.04.1 LTS

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richardtks was rewarded by kazup01 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 2688
almost 6 years ago
richardtks submitted an output to  BoostIo/ Boostnote# 2688
over 6 years ago