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Addon / Plugin / Extension System #1018

FunkMonkey posted onGitHub

It would be nice if Boostnote could provide a plugin system similar to Firefox and other applications. It has actually been proposed before in a couple of issues like #519, #518, #328, #773 and #648, but there was not a single issue devoted to it specifically. So now there is.

Currently I see two main areas for this (though there are probably plenty more):

  • "Filesystem backend"
    • anything about how notes are saved (see also #648 and #249 )
    • [edit] maybe use a virtual file system like vfs or unionfs so that plugins would add fs-backends
  • Custom note types
    • with snippets and markdown notes being two standard plugins, but it would also allow support for #862, #771 and #518
  • ...

There are already JS plugin systems out there (like Architect), so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Obviously we would still need to define the appropriate APIs for how plugins can interact with Boostnote and how they can act as middleware, etc.

Thanks for the great application!

Hi, @FunkMonkey. Thank you for your feature request. Actually, we're planning to implement plugin feature by reference to atom. I'm even implementing it on my forked repository (however, it's all written in Japanese).

posted by asmsuechan over 7 years ago

That would also be good for #1085 I would love to see this implemented.

posted by NamedKitten over 7 years ago

:+1: Ah, just found this... sounds great! I just had this idea which would greatly benefit, if not depend on, such a plugin system.

Were there any new developments on this in the meantime (since Nov '17)?

posted by jkbecker about 7 years ago

A robust plugin system would be fantastic. A lot of requested features and a lot of existing features would honestly be better off as plugins.

posted by nagledb over 6 years ago

@boostio has funded $100.00 to this issue. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot about 6 years ago

I found this issue searching for open-source bounties, and this seems like it would be really fun to work on. I'd like to try my hand at it. Is this something that's still needed? Has anyone else started working on it?

posted by ILikePizza555 about 6 years ago

@ILikePizza555 and anyone else interested in open bounties:

Any issue with a bounty that does not have an open PR linked in it, is still needed. If you do find open PRs then you could check if they are still active and ask whether you could take over the PR.

posted by Flexo013 over 4 years ago

@kazup01 has cancelled @boostio's funding for this issue.(Cancelled amount: $100.00) See it on IssueHunt

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 3 years ago

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kazup01 cancelled funding 100.00 for  BoostIO/ Boostnote#1018
over 3 years ago
boostio funded 100.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 1018
about 6 years ago