
Export and import preferences #3114

arcturus140 posted onGitHub

Current behavior

preferences cannot be exported. It would be nice if I could import preference settings to a new installation of Boostnote.

Expected behavior

Import and export preferences to back up Boostnote configurations.

@boostio has funded $60.00 to this issue.

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 5 years ago

Hello, I'm interested in adding this feature! I picture the export file to be a JSON file and an "Import/Export" tab placed after "Snippets" in "Preferences". Let me know if this works. Thank you!

posted by bertomoore over 5 years ago

@bertomoore That sounds great! Feel free to start working on a pull request.

posted by Flexo013 over 5 years ago

Awesome! I'll start working on this now.

posted by bertomoore over 5 years ago

I currently do this manually.

I created a batch file that exports the following directories:

  • Exports %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\boost
  • Exports %USERPROFILE%\Boostnote
  • Exports %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Boostnote
@ECHO off
REM Export boostnote-local
ROBOCOPY C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\boost <destination> /MIR /R:1 /W:0 /REG /MT:16 /XA:SH /XJ
REM Export boostnote-files
ROBOCOPY C:\Users\<username>\Boostnote <destination> /MIR /R:1 /W:0 /REG /MT:16
REM Export boostnote-roaming
ROBOCOPY C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Boostnote <destination> /MIR /R:1 /W:0 /REG /MT:16 /XA:SH /XJ

Switching the source and destination above simple imports my preferences and notes.


OS: Windows 10 Version: 1903

posted by themattgabriel over 5 years ago
  • Exports %USERPROFILE%\Boostnote

Note that this is pointing to the default notes storage folder. If you changed your default location, and/or added others to give you a n hierarchy of note folders (like I have) then you'd need to take this into account.

I created a folder called Boostnotes into my sync location to collate all my storage locations together. I then added a few folders within, each mapped in Boostnote storage settings. I use each of those as a collection: Coding, Personal, etc. Each collection you can add folders as normal.


posted by ips138 over 5 years ago

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Pull requests

Recent activities

bertomoore submitted an output to  BoostIO/ Boostnote# 3114
over 5 years ago
boostio funded 60.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 3114
over 5 years ago