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`&lt;` will be rendered as `<` #2931

bbbbx posted onGitHub

Current behavior

code block preview will be rendered :

Expected behavior

code block preview should render as what I typed :

function transform(value) {
  // ...
  return value.toString()
    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
    // ...

Steps to reproduce

  1. type &lt; in editor
  2. then preview will render as <


  • Version : Version 0.11.13 (0.11.13)
  • OS Version and name : macOS 10.14.3

Looked into this and it seems the fix for it is to escape the HTML entities like this "\ & l t ;" In the code, it should be double backslash escaped but for a test in your markdown do one backslash and test it out.

function transform(value) { // ... return value.toString() .replace(/</g, '\ & l t ;') // ... } I can do a PR for this if nobody jumps first. Note: i've spaced the html entity code because of escaping 😄

posted by alexpeta almost 6 years ago
posted by alexpeta almost 6 years ago

@boostio has funded $30.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot almost 6 years ago

Error before:


Error after: Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 10 55 55

opening PR in a few minutes

posted by juliankoehn over 4 years ago

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juliankoehn submitted an output to  BoostIO/ Boostnote# 2931
over 4 years ago
us-aito submitted an output to  BoostIO/ Boostnote# 2931
over 5 years ago