π π React Native ebook reader for iOS & Android via Readium
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Recent activities
[Bug] Scroll setting is not working properly on Android
[Bug] Reader view brightness does not match system
Add ability to get currently displayed page text from ePub
Settings changes didn't work properly on Android
toc hrefs with '#' cannot be navigated
Location doesn't work on Android and iOS
[Feature Request] Web Support
App Crash
Build failed - android
Full screen causes problems on Android
How to get total positions ?
Is there any way to prevent users from copying text and screenshot the content ?
[Question] How to disable the "SelectionActionModeCallback" menu?
Help Needed In Using File
Example app: Unable to navigate using table of contents
Failing build due to missing JCenter dependencies
issue while running latest exampleApp due to @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault
Metro bundle does not start after installing react-native-readium
XCode 15 Build error: Stored properties cannot be marked potentially unavailable with '@available'
[Feature Support] : To block apps like Google Reading Mode from accessing book content in our application.
Project not working in IOS
Support for React Native > 0.71
Build failed in Lastest react-native
ref.current is undefined (useRef())
How can I display pdf?
[bug] yarn example android: '_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 63
[Bug] ERROR Warning: Function components cannot be given refs.
The package "react Native Readium" does not seems to linked
The 'react native readium' cannot be linked
Navigation header menu bar does not go off in Android
Does this supports kotlin version 2.4.0 of the readium library
Is there a function in react-native to go forward and backward through pages ?
Android: Lag in Applying User Preferences When Reopening Reading Module
[Feature Request] Support for large epub files
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