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Rename to something else #146

rom1504 posted onGitHub

This is not prismarine web client and is not well integrated with the rest of the PrismarineJS ecosystem. Can you pick another name to clarify?

But it's essentially the same prismarine-web-client doing the same thing as the p-web-client from the upstream repo. What makes confusion here? And it uses prismarine modules btw

posted by zardoy 9 months ago

The implementation is completely different and it is not maintained by PrismarineJS

posted by rom1504 9 months ago

The implementation is completely different and it is not maintained by PrismarineJS

Got it! Now I see your point, thanks for the clarification. Done.

posted by zardoy 9 months ago

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posted by GuestSneezeOSDev 8 months ago

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