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zardoy posted onGitHub
Current (high priority):
- migrate to new sounds map
- fix inventory bugs: rclick, double load, hopper more
- Scaling+
- Impl password manager
- render dropped items
- fix mining recalculation + allow mining in air in surv
- cmd+shift keys bugs
- WebTransport
- fix stairs dir
- add crafting
- jei creative inventory
- on some blocks like traps shift doesn't work
- fps benchmark loc
- migrate maps infra to new
- fix spiral bugs
- colors support in bossbar & chat
- make default server ip changeable on the proxy host
- fix _title.translate : log packets that crashed the client
- fix crash in worker
- fix this.serializer.end crash
- compatibility:
- a lot of stuff to fix in nmp
- holding map image support
- compatibility:
- full frames support for images
- the end dimension (speed & ping checks shouldn't be a problem)
- (optional) scoreboard hud
- optionally some automated test on the private infra
- support invisible & name for armour stands
- support entity activation (ensure the packet is sent, add mobile button)
- 1.12.2 onCustomPayload pluginChannels
<details> <summary>Details</summary>
{ "channel": "MC|Brand", "data": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 110, 65, 110, 116, 105, 66, 111, 116, 32, 40, 97, 98, 46, 110, 105, 99, 107, 117, 99, 46, 99, 111, 109, 41 ] } }
for pre flatenning sign (investigate) - wont fix -
fix back side of wall sign
fix soulsand + slab/trapdoor above
fix sign:
pick improved day cycle pr - cancelled
always send activation event & arm animation packets (air)
enable strict types!
minelayer inventory desync & fix gui
fix chunk loading after to
incorrect block when looking inside door
Sometimes mining is still cancelled
run_command & url on click sign support
touch control buttons with less opacity
migrate to latest browserfs
fix sync fs invalid chunk size read errors!
make screen centered vertically
support custom names in items display e.g.
/give @s minecraft:iron_sword{display:{Name:'{"text":"Knife","color":"white","italic":"true"}'}}
fix daylight, make disabableable
read is flying state on load, use actual abilities (currently with boost in single-player)
resourepack: wait for state to report, before loading builtin textures
fix multiplayer chat crash
fix sign rendering in some 1.8 words (probably mojangson)
fix offline loading new of new worlds (flying-squid)
restore after crash workers feature (or raise a warning at least)
disable phnom modules hoisting for better TS ls performance
page crash restore game state ui (ios)
disconnect on exit
Publish playground
improve tab-completions
arrow navigation for tab-completions
default proxy display rework
preserve state in qs on Y
handle correctly healthbar effect
keybindings for stop auto-reload + write qs state
fix mineflayer physics timer (workaround, db:
fix p protocol issues
f3+t: refetch textures / blockstates,
same but also reapply when texturepack is enabled
move blockstates generator into main thread, reuse generator in resourcepack
update three.js
unload chunks only when reached half of the chunk to balance scene changes work
clean fs handle on exit
hot reload for viewer
Make width higher of cursor block lines
concrete 12 missing textures
load sounds from resource pack & bundle
warn ios world limit: 200mb (150mb)
broken saves & gen issues
player animation
itneraction shapes (
preserve level.dat data & write version
Fix iOS gui positioning (screens with small height)
Add smeltery recipes from game
migrate input system to contro-max (will have two input options, only default will be compatible with original game)
ios first class touch controls
digging & placing is broken?
singleplayer support (
test world re-open & folder write & re-open
support opening classic world folder
support peer.js
open pause by double clicking right bottom corner, watch mobile support
also Publish single in html file
reset dig progress on cursor change
less important, but still important:
- most probably players tab needs fixing
- fix self-kick in singleplayer, fix ping
- handle correctly & display inventory item name change (mm)
- off-hand
- shift on shield in inventory
- scoreboard UI (with grayed zeros)
- translate kick reasons, format - like chat
- all containers
- Import/export settings / keybindings
- check player name by regex when connecting
- physics: should climb with the following setup: ladder + fences above doubt:
- pinch to zoom touch support (zoom camera, yes its possible)
- smeltery & entities
- death: logic on server (drop items)
- put flying squid in worker (for chunk generator + p-anvil-provider = world), or just delay fs ops. 100% need to remove usage of zipfs as it is sync, it is not efficient and can make the main thread lag
Just current tasks without eta:
- include vector (look direction) into chunks loader spiral matrix generator
- gen types for blocks & packets
- fix vr issues (generally vr works okay)
- fix buttons (seems to be controller support issues)
- fix blurry images & text in safari (would require transform refactors, thats huge)
- Rename key binds to controls, move all mouse options to controls
- impl warning on text-edit: port is ignored, unsupported version
- streamer mode
- commands snippets
- migrate to typescript lit decorators (just for fun) or stencil (preferably)
- turn buttons that open links to <a> (for better accessibility)
- on error, disconnect: display log of last 100 events with export button (don't forget to mask some inputs)
- import keybindings map & options from original game files
Not planned as not needed, but might be implemented:
- Auto jump (maybe would be useful on mobile)
- Watch vr support