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SelectByValueFromTarget: @Step-annotation having problems resolving String[] for report #3571
JohannesProbst posted onGitHub
What happened?
Using the class net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ui.Select
public static SearchableTarget dropDownLabeled(String label) {
return XPathOrCssTarget.the("%s-Dropdown".formatted(label))
.locatedBy("//label[@for = '{0}']/select").of(label);
results in the following report-text
User selects [Ljava.lang.String;@74b1accc in bar-Dropdown
What did you expect to happen?
the generated report should quote User selects foo in bar-Dropdown
Serenity BDD version
serenity-screenplay-webdriver 4.1.3
JDK version
Execution environment
No response
How to reproduce the bug.
Use the class net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ui.Select
public static SearchableTarget dropDownLabeled(String label) {
return XPathOrCssTarget.the("%s-Dropdown".formatted(label))
.locatedBy("//label[@for = '{0}']/select").of(label);
and generate the report.
How can we make it happen?
Work on this myself and propose a PR (with Serenity BDD team guidance)