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unable to read Webdriver capability under All{ environment #3482

Yeshi2021 posted onGitHub

What's the Problem You're Trying to Solve?

Before in serenity.conf instead of adding repetitive webdriver configuration under each environment we use all but now when I add my webdriver capability under all like window size or headless doesn't read but if I add it under specific environment it is working, is there change on this or is no longer worker this way, I am using serenity 4.1.14

Example bellow.

preprod { base.url = "" } uat { base.url = "" }

sandbox{ } all { base.url = "" webdriver { driver = "chrome" capabilities { "chromeOptions": { "args": [ "--window-size=1920,1080", "--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--window-size=1920,1080"] } } } }

Proposed Solution

Just wondering if this still working or when was stop using it.

Alternative Solutions


Implementation Support

  • Contribute the feature myself (with guidance from the Serenity BDD team)
  • Hire the Serenity BDD team for implementation
  • Add it to the Serenity BDD backlog and wait for community contribution

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