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Serenity Restassured test doesn't fail even when response status code is not the expected one #3373

johnysv posted onGitHub

What happened?

I have a simple reatassured code which is below. Here it has to fail when response is not 200 as I have used then().Statuscode(200) in checkstatuscode function. But the test passed.

What did you expect to happen?

No response

Serenity BDD version


JDK version


Execution environment


How to reproduce the bug.

I have a simple reatassured code which is below. Here it has to fail when response is not 200 as I have used then().Statuscode(200) in checkstatuscode function. But the test passed. Below is the screen shot too.

<rest.assured.version>5.3.2</rest.assured.version> <serenity.version>4.0.15</serenity.version> jdk version - 21

**@Step("When I upload Loss Distribution file {0} for the Cons Unit {1}") public void uploadLossDistribution(final String file, final String consUnit,Object... PathParam){ given().contentType("multipart/form-data") .multiPart("file", new File(file)) .multiPart("id",consUnit) .pathParams("latest-hierarchy-rev-information", latestHierarchyRevision.getVersionHierarchy()) .when().post(resourceUrl,PathParam);


@Step("Then I expect to see {0} as status code") public void checkStatusCode(final int statusCode) { then().statusCode(statusCode); }


Note: The same test fails when I use then().Statuscode(200) as a continuation of post() like below.Not sure why it doesnt fail if I write it as a new method.Please help me to resolve this

@Step("When I upload Loss Distribution file {0} for the Cons Unit {1}") public void uploadLossDistribution(final String file, final String consUnit,Object... PathParam){ given().contentType("multipart/form-data") .multiPart("file", new File(file)) .multiPart("id",consUnit) .pathParams("latest-hierarchy-rev-information", latestHierarchyRevision.getVersionHierarchy()) .when().post(resourceUrl,PathParam).then().statusCode(200);


How can we make it happen?

Work on this myself and propose a PR (with Serenity BDD team guidance)

@wakaleo Could you please help here

posted by johnysv about 1 year ago

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