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I switched to use 4.0.0-beta2 since the 3.2.8 version's WebDriver was too old for the current Chrome version. As I understood the current version use the DriverManager provided from Selenium.
After I switched and I resolved the breaking changes I cannot use the JavascriptExecutor with the new driver.
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String sentence = "window.sessionStorage.setItem(\"" + name + "\"" + ", \"" + value + "\")";
The reason behind this is the "proxiedWebDriver" is null inside the WebDriverFacade class.
What additional configuration do I need to do in order the "proxiedWebDriver" to be initialized?
The proxiedWebDriver is instantiated the first time you interact with the page, e.g when you open a URL.
posted by wakaleo over 1 year agoThe browser is opened and the desired URL is set:
String url = serenityConfiguration.getProperty("webdriver.base.fe.auth.url");
After this I want to set the "token" session variable in order to skip the login page. This it worked with the previous version.
My complete code:
//Open the application, login page
String url = serenityConfiguration.getProperty("webdriver.base.fe.auth.url");
//Set the token
JavascriptUtil.setBrowserSessionVariable(webDriver, SESSION_PARAM_TOKEN, actor.recall(PropertyUtil.ACTOR_TOKEN_PROPERTY_KEY));
//reload the page with the application sub page -> login is skipped:
posted by vayaszsolt over 1 year agoCould be a bug. Can you dig into the code and propose a PR?
posted by wakaleo over 1 year agoI will try. Before doing this I would like to be sure I am Injection the WebDriver in the correct way. The above code I use in a StepDefinition class and the WebDriver is injected:
private WebDriver webDriver;
Do I inject the driver in the correct way inside the CucumberStepDefinition class?
posted by vayaszsolt over 1 year agoI above code created a new driver that wasn't created before by Serenity. I remove that WebDriver injection inside the Definition class. I moved to use an internal Serenity class:
This fixed my issue.
posted by vayaszsolt over 1 year ago