
Recommend onError() handler for renderFrames() in docs #500

JonnyBurger posted onGitHub

The SSR documentation for (and maybe other places in the docs), especially renderFrames() and renderStill() doesn't always use the onError() property, which leads to errors being swallowed.

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  • In order to prevent issues from getting stuck, try to progress the issue by opening a PR and adding commits. If your progress is stale for 7 days, another user can ask to take over the issue.

Approval criteria for this issue:

  • Ensure the SSR page, and if there are other places where the docs don't use onError(), get updated.

@jonnyburger has funded $112.00 to this issue.

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 3 years ago

Hi!, I'd like work in this issue.

posted by danilhendrasr over 3 years ago

@danilhendrasr Sounds good, good luck!

posted by JonnyBurger over 3 years ago

@jonnyburger has rewarded $100.80 to @danilhendrasr. See it on IssueHunt

  • :moneybag: Total deposit: $112.00
  • :tada: Repository reward(0%): $0.00
  • :wrench: Service fee(10%): $11.20
posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 3 years ago

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