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FEATURE: SetProfilePic didnt work?? #1105
Terror-Machine posted onGitHub
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Describe the bug i try to reproduce to update profile pictures with commands bot, but didnt work. its still insider or how to use that?
create() code
} else if (getComs(txt, 'setprofilepic')) {
if (isMedia) {
const mediaData = await decryptMedia(message)
const imageBase64 = `data:${mimetype};base64,${mediaData.toString('base64')}`
await fn.setProfilePic(imageBase64)
} else if (quotedMsg && quotedMsg.type == 'image') {
const mediaData = await decryptMedia(quotedMsg)
const imageBase64 = `data:${quotedMsg.mimetype};base64,${mediaData.toString('base64')}`
await fn.setProfilePic(imageBase64)
DEBUG INFO This is the info printed to the console when you start your app. It should look like this
Debug Info {
WA_VERSION: 2.2047.11,
PAGE_UA: WhatsApp/2.2037.6 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.83 Safari/537.36,
BROWSER_VERSION: HeadlessChrome/87.0.4280.66
Host (please complete the following information):
- OS: Android