
How to enable multiple devices #70

adeltut posted onGitHub

I can't get it to work with 2 devices in any way. How can I do this, I run it through: docker ru -p 8002:8002 --init openwa/wa-automate --multi-device After that, I go to the port and scan the qr code, and then it's unclear how to add 1 more account

hey @adeltut This is a misunderstanding (albeit i see why). One docker container = One account.

The way you get multiple accounts is by using a different session ID on both and creating a session volume to share between them (this way your sessions can persist between container instances).

So maybe you should try something like this.

> docker run -v ./sessions:/sessions -p 8002:8002 --init openwa/wa-automate --session-id account-one
> docker run -v ./sessions:/sessions -p 8003:8002 --init openwa/wa-automate --session-id account-two

There is an orchestration service which is highly memory efficient but that's for enterprise users.

posted by smashah 6 months ago

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