[Request] 能否支持http请求的形式 #1822
Zzoay posted onGitHub
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🥰 Description of requirements
Is it possible to support sending http requests directly instead of only passing in api_key and proxy address? Because I am not verifying through api_key, I am verifying through the "Authorization" parameter in the header during the request.
🧐 Solution
Maybe support http requests? Just configure the http request parameters.
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👀 @Zzoay
Thank you for raising an issue. We will investigate into the matter and get back to you as soon as possible.
Please make sure you have given us as much context as possible.
非常感谢您提交 issue。我们会尽快调查此事,并尽快回复您。 请确保您已经提供了尽可能多的背景信息。
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I think it is unlikely to be supported because they all use the official SDK or compatible implementation. It is impossible for others to construct a request for your needs. You can use a reverse proxy to implement it yourself, or you can look at the code and submit a PR.
我的意思不是说额外套一层,而只是加一个原本官方RESTful API的调用,是不是会比SDK兼容性更好呢?而且对于我们用户感知的输入参数都是完全一致的,不存在什么兼容性问题。
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I think it is unlikely to be supported because they all use the official SDK or compatible implementation. It is impossible for others to construct a request for your needs. You can use a reverse proxy to implement it yourself, or you can look at the code and submit a PR.
What I mean is not to add an extra layer, but just to add a call to the original official RESTful API. Will it be more compatible than the SDK? Moreover, the input parameters perceived by our users are completely consistent, and there is no compatibility issue.
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Not planning on doing this. On the one hand, it is very costly to construct the request yourself, and on the other hand, it is not safe.
✅ @Zzoay
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