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Dashboard does not respect browser locale / date format. #269
universenz posted onGitHub
Node Red Dashboard displays current date and time in top right corner by default. It appears that this date format is hard set to MM-DD-YYYY and does not check/respect the time zone from the HASS configuration or the user's web browser.
<img width="490" alt="Screen Shot 2019-07-20 at 8 06 17 AM" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7688693/61562633-d5937200-aac5-11e9-8dd1-9d5625320bfc.png">
Expected behavior
Typically this should reflect the user's browser locale or preferred date format. In my case DD-MM-YYYY not MM-DD-YYYY.
Actual behavior
It is displaying only the MM-DD-YYYY format despite any settings to the contrary.
Steps to reproduce
Proposed changes
Update the Dashboard component to check the local and format date accordingly.