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Feature: functionality for Clients #514

evereq posted onGitHub

We need to allow our clients to login into Gauzy and see the following:

  • general details about companies with which logged in Client working (total qty of employees, total income, total bonuses paid, etc etc). Basically 360 degree overview of companies which with client works! (as long as companies set it public of course)
  • browse other companies registered in Gauzy, not related to Client work (if they set profiles as public of course).
  • list of Client Projects (and ability to manage them!)
  • list of Employees from Companies registered in Gauzy who working on Client Projects
  • "Days Off" page access (as a viewer!), so our clients see when employees take / will take days off. We can call it “Transparent” holidays. We need Gauzy to be able to support holidays that employees take (record them and report on them), but we also want to make sure this can be easily shared with company clients. So for example, if Employee A takes holidays on Data D, relevant clients can see that and even can get notifications (e.g. by email). Think this is a critical feature for transparent org.
  • Dashboard with Client related metrics (e.g. amount Paid, how much goes to our Employees as Bonuses from that amount totally, how much to each employee, etc).
  • Ability to give additional Bonus to selected Employee
  • Ability to see Invoices from companies who work on client projects and Pay for them (advanced)

Note: we have a separate Epic for Invites for clients - https://github.com/ever-co/gauzy/issues/648

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