[BUG] Audio gets distorted when recording #569
evilninjas posted onGitHub
Operating System
Windows 10 1903 and higher
OBS Studio Version?
27.0 (including Release Candidates)
StreamFX Version
Expected Behavior
Expect audio to be normal and not distorted and louder than the volume given.
Current Behavior
Whenever I record content, the audio is way off and is distorted.
Steps to Reproduce the Bug
Load anything with audio and record. The audio gets distorted.
OBS Studio Log
OBS Studio Crash Log
No response
Any additional Information we need to know?
PS: ONLY STREAMFX was installed other than the factory plugins from OBS. Nothing else caused the issue.
Image of the scene used during test recording
Plugins installed:
I have gone through everything to see if the issue was not related to streamfx, but I installed the plugin on a fresh install of obs, and it still has the same issue.
My sound settings on windows are 16-bit 48hz on all sound devices. I also have audio enhancements disabled.